Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Glad to be back in FLA~!
Friday, November 20, 2009

Going on the road again tomarrow. Up to Anderson, SC so the wife can visit with her mom for a couple days, and deliver some stuff to her. Then, up to Raliegh area, for Thanksgiving, to visit with daughter, her 7 and 12 year olds (and husband). Will be gruelling, but good to get away. Hope it doesn't rain too much - supposed to rain in Atlanta on Sunday, but we should be through there by noon (to Anderson).
This is a boring blog entry, I am sure. See that Oprah is quitting her show ! (horrors!). She should get by well enough, though, with her 20 or so Billion $$$, I think. She is starting her own cable network, so maybe she'll show up there as a news anchor. Who knows. She was good with Sarah Palin the other day, but too easy on her, I think. Sarah seems like a likeable, down to earth person, but not a great intellect. And some of the far-right ideas that come out of her mouth are pretty reactionary.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009

These pictures are what you would call "juxtiposed". They have little, if anything, to do with each other. I've been listening lately to a 2008 live show of The Who, who sound as great as ever. Pete's kid plays bass, and Zack Starkey (Ringo's boy, of course), plays drums. As good as ever. Makes me a little wistful, however, listening to them - how long can they keep it up? Bottom pic is Stan and Ollie, of course. They have achieved a kind of imortality. Still crack me up when I watch them - Stan drives Ollie nuts, but they still love each other. What a riot.
Friday, October 23, 2009

Eagles Mere is a little mountain town, in central Pa., my old home place. In the first half of the 20th century, it was somewhat of a resort town. Don't know if it still is, but is certainly remote (down around Bradford). I recall going there once, with my folks, and Nana (dad's mother), back in the 50's, when I was but a wee lad. Nana grew up in her early years in that area, where I was told her father was a country hotel keeper. Later, they moved to Williamsport (the big city), where he got into the gift store business, which she continued through the 1980's (till she was about 85). I have talked about my Grandmas in previous posts - they made quite an impression on me as a young man.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I got a call from my old friend, Don, this weekend - first in about 30 years. Don and I have exchanged Christmas cards over the years, and he kept threatening to call me. It was nice to talk to him, but somewhat of a strain as well. He didn't sound like he did in 1969. And a lot of water has flown under the bridge for both of us since that time of youthful drunkeness and hijinks. Like me, he married (Betty), had a bunch of kids, now has grandkids. He worked for the VA, now works for Purple Hearty, helping Vets lobby the VA for help. I am a real estate appraiser (hurrah). We talked about some of the old Crestview Heights gang (Endicott, NY); Pete C., Pete S., Randy M. He recently heard from Pete, who was trying to track me down (not sure why). Pete and I used to walk home a few miles from high school. He always had to stop for a milkshake or double cone, at Pat's. Remembered an embarrasing trip (for me), we took to Lake George, where I made a drunken ass of myself with her folks. Pete thought it was a hoot at the time. My how times have changed (much tamer). I don't drink much; it makes me sleepy and stupid. Used to think it made me more social. My wife says it did, and that I acted like an ass when I was drunk.
Thursday, October 8, 2009

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Wow - 3 pictures! All things I love. First is Goldie, of course -in her 20's, best blonde I know of. The Moodies - kept me sane in the70's. Finally, a nice watercolor of one of the creek crossings in Sabino Canyon (Tucson). Sept 17 is my Birthday. Born in the last year of WWII. I am pleased to say I have some memory of the 50's (Elvis on Ed Sullivan, Bandstand, Chuck Berry, Jerry Lee, Little Richard, Rick Nelson, do-wop, etc. The 60's, I remember very well. Beach Boys, Beatles, Franki Valli, Supremes, MoTown in general, Stax/Volt, the Stones, Hendrix, Janis, Airplane, Moodies, Joni Mitchell, Muddy Waters, Procol Harum, Dylan, Who, Neil Young, etc. The 70's was Moodies, Stones, The Band, Dylan, Donna Summer, Talking Heads, etc. The 80's was good for REM, Hall & Oates, and a lot of decent music I can't remember very well. My daughter liked Bowie, Hall & Oates, stuff like that. The 90's, can't recommend much, and definitely nothing worthwhile in the 2000's, except old fogies doing good new work (like Neil Young, Who, Stones, Bob Dylan). Sue and i are survivors, still living the Dream.
Monday, September 14, 2009

Friday, September 4, 2009

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Just a couple of cool pics. I included the picture of Chuck because it is a cool picture of the great innovator, in his heyday. I just like the old shack too. Funky.
Monday, August 10, 2009

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Friday, July 24, 2009

See, old men can still rock. Lately, though, I feel like Bozo in his rocket ship, heading for a big crash. My wife's mom is 85, and we put her in the nursing home on Monday, for more "rehab". She doesn't know fact from fiction, and after hip surgery, is fighting them on getting her up and walking again. This has been going on for six months, since a "stroke" or siezure, in February, and we are both burned out on it. That's life in the "sandwich" generation, I guess.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

These talk shows are nothing but fluff these days-all gossip, and endless plugs for their networks' other shows - gets very tiresome. My wife likes the HGTV home improvement/decorating shows, but after about an hour of that, I'm ready to impale myself on anything at hand. An observation; just because your a gay male doesn't mean you have good taste in decorating - HGTV is proof positive.
Thursday, June 4, 2009

I obviously have a talent for juxtaposing things that are totally unrelated, although nothing in this world is totally unrelated, is it? Everything is part of a continuum, although probably not pre-determined. The Stones were my band, in the late 60's; gritty, tough-sounding lads from London, who sneered at the post-war world. The guy in the other picture was also gritty and tough, but also totally insane, bitter, and ruthless. In no way do I hold him up as a model of anything good, other than style. Therein comes the lesson of the day; beware of those who put style over substance, as in most the "modern" pop music.
Friday, May 29, 2009

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Long time since last post! Doesn't matter, since I'm probably the only poor soul that reads it anyways. Pic from new Star Trek movie. My son, Mark saw it the first day out, and raved about it. Must see! Other pic is Bob Dylan, obviously, from a recent tour date in Europe. Been listening to a good live boot from some Amsterdam shows in March - gets me going on Bob again. Good, loose but very professional band, and Bob plays guitar, and a lot of organ on it - sometimes sloppy, but funky. His voice sounds increasingly like an aging Lightnin Hopkins, but appropriate, since he's 67 now. Older than me, by about 5 years. Gives me inspiration that i can still do things that matter. Never give up, never surrender!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Monday, April 13, 2009

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Some cool pics, having nothing to do with each other, or anything. It's wierd that these huge, metal behemoths, battle ships, were the state-of-the-art for about 30 years, and then totally disappeared, as soon as they figured out how to drop a bomb from an airplane. They proved totally defenceless against air power. Now airplanes are pretty much obsolete, given the accuracy of ground to air missles. Oh well. I read a sci-fi book recently about Martians invading (an update of War of the Worlds), in which the Martians sent a power disrupter in advance of their invasion fleet, which fried all computers and modern electronics on the planet, all at once. This technology exists now, although perhaps on a more narrow scale. This rendered obsolete all our advanced weapons. In a twist on the original HG WElls book, the earthlings finally were able to bring down the aliens, by introducing them to antibiotics. (They were germ-based lifeforms, very slimy and disgusting!). In the original, I believe, the Martians caught cold, and died.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Monday, February 23, 2009

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Friday, February 6, 2009