Friday, October 23, 2009

Eagles Mere is a little mountain town, in central Pa., my old home place. In the first half of the 20th century, it was somewhat of a resort town. Don't know if it still is, but is certainly remote (down around Bradford). I recall going there once, with my folks, and Nana (dad's mother), back in the 50's, when I was but a wee lad. Nana grew up in her early years in that area, where I was told her father was a country hotel keeper. Later, they moved to Williamsport (the big city), where he got into the gift store business, which she continued through the 1980's (till she was about 85). I have talked about my Grandmas in previous posts - they made quite an impression on me as a young man.
The second picture has absolutely nothing to do with anything, except it is a cool picture of Muddy in his prime, or more accurately on the brink of his world wide celebrity, when he had just been discovered by the folkie crowd. He was, of course, at the height of his powers earlier, in the 50's, but known mostly at that time only to the black blues audience.
Having a garage sale at my mother-in-laws house tomarrow, as part of a neighborhood sale. She's the one moved up to South Carolina, to live with her son for awhile. She can't live by herself these days, and unlikely she will come back to the Sarasota house. So, at the wife's behest, we are liquidating some (but not all) of her accumulated junk. She does have some nice collectibles, but much of it is garage sale stuff she bought. Somewhat of a pack rat, she was, but there are worse things. Cleaning out is good for the soul.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I got a call from my old friend, Don, this weekend - first in about 30 years. Don and I have exchanged Christmas cards over the years, and he kept threatening to call me. It was nice to talk to him, but somewhat of a strain as well. He didn't sound like he did in 1969. And a lot of water has flown under the bridge for both of us since that time of youthful drunkeness and hijinks. Like me, he married (Betty), had a bunch of kids, now has grandkids. He worked for the VA, now works for Purple Hearty, helping Vets lobby the VA for help. I am a real estate appraiser (hurrah). We talked about some of the old Crestview Heights gang (Endicott, NY); Pete C., Pete S., Randy M. He recently heard from Pete, who was trying to track me down (not sure why). Pete and I used to walk home a few miles from high school. He always had to stop for a milkshake or double cone, at Pat's. Remembered an embarrasing trip (for me), we took to Lake George, where I made a drunken ass of myself with her folks. Pete thought it was a hoot at the time. My how times have changed (much tamer). I don't drink much; it makes me sleepy and stupid. Used to think it made me more social. My wife says it did, and that I acted like an ass when I was drunk.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Some images from my old home place; central Pennsylvania. First is the old city jail, in Williamsport. My Nana had a gift shop near there, and I used to walk around town and check everything out. In those days (50's), a 10 year old kid could wander far and wide, even downtown, without being harrassed. Second is a 50's picture of World's End State Park. We used to go down there, about an hour southwest of Williamsport, in Sullivan County. Shallow rapids in a wide creek