I got a call from my old friend, Don, this weekend - first in about 30 years. Don and I have exchanged Christmas cards over the years, and he kept threatening to call me. It was nice to talk to him, but somewhat of a strain as well. He didn't sound like he did in 1969. And a lot of water has flown under the bridge for both of us since that time of youthful drunkeness and hijinks. Like me, he married (Betty), had a bunch of kids, now has grandkids. He worked for the VA, now works for Purple Hearty, helping Vets lobby the VA for help. I am a real estate appraiser (hurrah). We talked about some of the old Crestview Heights gang (Endicott, NY); Pete C., Pete S., Randy M. He recently heard from Pete, who was trying to track me down (not sure why). Pete and I used to walk home a few miles from high school. He always had to stop for a milkshake or double cone, at Pat's. Remembered an embarrasing trip (for me), we took to Lake George, where I made a drunken ass of myself with her folks. Pete thought it was a hoot at the time. My how times have changed (much tamer). I don't drink much; it makes me sleepy and stupid. Used to think it made me more social. My wife says it did, and that I acted like an ass when I was drunk.
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