Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I like cheesy Sci-Fi. Haven't read this one yet, but have read some of the Fred Saberhagen Berserker stories - good, basic sci-fi, not horror or fantasy. Space ships, ray guns, and mechanized aliens bent on destroying the human race - great stuff!

I've mostly been reading Larry McMurtrey Westerns recently, and just finished Streets of Laredo, hence the video cover above. Lots of apaches, comanchees, gruesome murders, scalping, shooting, suffering and dying - Ah, the Old West!

Monday, April 13, 2009

I didn't remember to do an Easter post, so here it is, a little bit late. Thought the cartoon was too funny to pass up. We had a quiet Easter, the wife and I - first one in a long time, without some family around. Mom (Sue's mom) is in South Carolina, with her son and family, and daughter and family (with grandgirls), are in North Carolina. Son, Mark, and wife Betsy are in same area as us, but his interest was limited to phone call to his mother, Saturday. In case this sounds too pathetic, it was actually nice, not having to cook, or deal with any people all day. We got up late, read paper, took a long walk. I did a few delayed chores, then we washed up and went to Dutch Valley (favorite Greek diner - go figure), for a big feed. I had turkey dinner, Sue had prime rib dinner. We fit right in with all the older regulars there - we qualify as the "young old" these days.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The wife and I might go to Disney World tomarrow, or maybe next day. Of course, it will be busy as heck, with spring breakers. Probably will go to Epcot; Magic Kingdom gets too zooie - too many stroller people. We don't care if all we do is stroll around, get on anything at Epcot that has a shortish line. Must go to fastpass at Soarin', of course, immediately upon getting through the turnstile. If you don't get a fastpass by about 10 AM, you won't get into Soarin til after 4 PM, and we like to go home early. Of course, must eat at Mexico (outside), and have a Margarita (maybe). We have annual passes, so no sweat if we don't do much there. Wife has the week off, from her job as Guidance Counselor at an elementary school. She doesn't need to see a lot of kids, on her time off.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I recently decided to sing up for "Twitter", since all the media wonks are raving about it. Maybe I don't get it, but so far, it looks like a very trivial waste of time. It doesn't seem to have any communities of interest, just allows you to search by keyword, which is pretty crude. Maybe I am misisng something. Don't see how it's any better than any other instant messaging system. We will see. Maybe if I link this blog up to Twitter, someone (besides BillBee), might actually read it!