Some cool pics, having nothing to do with each other, or anything. It's wierd that these huge, metal behemoths, battle ships, were the state-of-the-art for about 30 years, and then totally disappeared, as soon as they figured out how to drop a bomb from an airplane. They proved totally defenceless against air power. Now airplanes are pretty much obsolete, given the accuracy of ground to air missles. Oh well. I read a sci-fi book recently about Martians invading (an update of War of the Worlds), in which the Martians sent a power disrupter in advance of their invasion fleet, which fried all computers and modern electronics on the planet, all at once. This technology exists now, although perhaps on a more narrow scale. This rendered obsolete all our advanced weapons. In a twist on the original HG WElls book, the earthlings finally were able to bring down the aliens, by introducing them to antibiotics. (They were germ-based lifeforms, very slimy and disgusting!). In the original, I believe, the Martians caught cold, and died.
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