I guess I need to download some more pictures for my Blog. This one's cute, though. Didn't know Imperial Japan liked Mickey Mouse. My wife's family is driving us nuts. Her Mom is 85, and having memory and physical problems, and has been living with us (joy). We have had a constant parade of her relatives in town all summer, all wanting to see and "help" mom, but basically just adding another layer of crap to deal with. Then they call from out of town, and try to armchair quarterback mom's care. I am ready to book a flight to Alaska, and rent a cabin indefinitely. I never see my family, including my parents and two brothers, who living out of state. Seems like our whole life centers around her mother, and her relatives. Sick of it. This blog entry is getting depressing, so will now discontinue this line of commentary.
I felt bad for Michael Jackson, although the media hype and hysteria is sickening. Michael was about 12 years younger than me, but he as been a star most of my adult life, from the Jackson 5, in early 60's, to the King of Pop in 80's, then persecuted ex-superstar in 90's and 2000's. Despite his strangeness in recent years, I doubt very much he was a pedophile, just a gentle, tortured soul who lived a highly artificial life. If you will recall, in the 80's, he was a promoter of children's rights and welfare, on a world wide scale, a very uplifting guy. It's a shame he was dragged through the mud of legal charges - he never fit the profile of a pedophile, in my opinion, who are more likely to be fat, 60 year old men. He may have been gay, but I think his love for children was genuine. It was touching to see his oldest daughter at the memorial, speaking up for her father. This didn't look like the kid of a pervert. So, I hope he will be remembered for the talented and gentle soul that I think he was. Enough said.
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