Lower Slobovia is small country, just south of Upper Slobovia. People in Lower Slobovia believe they are superior to the people in Upper Slobovia, and any other country in the world, too. Several years ago, some outsiders raided Lower Slobovia, and managed to bomb and destroy Lower Slobovia's greates monument, the Terrific Tower. The Terrific Tower was built of old packing crates, in the days before the great budget crisis. It was a tribute to the country's great prowess in trade, of which the main product was yak butter. The President of Lower Slobovia at the time was Pappy Yokum. Based on the advice of his best advisors, mainly Mammy Yokum, Little Abner, and Daisy Mae, Pappy decided to attack and occupy Upper Slobovia. He had been wanting to do that for a long time, just looking for an excuse, since Upper Slobovia had a big Yak Butter supply, which he (and his business buddies) were itching to get their hands on. Lower Slobovia had a bigger army at the time (150 troops, and a mule), and managed to accomplish the ugly task in less than week, particularly given that Upper Slobovia's army consisted of 15 reservists, armed with muzzle loading muskets. All went well, until the Upper Slobovian's decided to leave all the yak butter out in the sun, and it predictably went sour fast. They refused to cooperate with the occupation, and did even less work than typical. The rest of the civilized world quickly turned on Lower Slobovia, and refused any longer to buy their yak butter, or anything else for that matter. In the next election, Pappy Yokum was voted out, the job then fallying to Pogo Possum, who promised quick withdrawel of the troops from Upper Slobovia.
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