Yes, it's Friday again, the Friday before labor day weekend (big deal). We are staring at two possible hurricanes headed at us. Most likely will rain all weekend. I probably will end of working Monday, unless the wife has other ideas, of course. Barack got nominated this week, and put on a nice show. Bill and Hillary appear to be well on-board, as is Al Gore. All gave rousing speeches, as they should. I see Old Fart John McCain just nominated the gov. of Alaska, a 40 something female, to be VP candidate with hime. She appears to be pretty far right (pro-life, pro oil drilling in Anwar, described as "born again" Christian). However, she is young (and a looker), and has a nice family (5 kids). Probably a good move on his part. Should be an interesting couple of months. I just hope we "dont get fooled again", as the Who liked to sing.
Probably won't make much difference in my little life, of course. I just hope whoever gets in can instill some confidence in the economy again, and get things moving. I would like to be able to retire in a couple years, as planned, but don't want to give up my house equity for a song.
Have a good weekend, all!