Long time, no post. No real significance to the picture, just that I have been listening to the Stones again a lot. Downloaded an '83 show, from Germany. Loose, and good mix of old and newer (at that time) tunes. I just don't get tired of these old guys. They are never pretencious, just play good Rock and R&B. Gives me hope.
This Gulf of Mexico oil leak business sucks. Hope they can put a cork in it sooner than later. Not impressed with BP, or Obama so far on this one. If he is, as he claims. on top of it, he isn't conveying any sense of passion or urgency about it to the public. He needs to go on TV, prime time, and make a bigger deal out of it. Bring in Exxon, or Shell - they have a lot of real world experience with oil spills.
Not much else to say, except hope the oil doesn't get to our west Florida beaches. Feel bad for the northern gulf states - they are getting screwed again. No more shrimp, for quite a while.
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