I haven't posted in a while, as usual. Nothing great to say, I guess. The world just keeps on a-turnin'. The wife and I have been watching the 6 Waltons movies, which were made in the 80's and 90's as follow-up to the series, which we still love. We have all 9 seasons, plus the movies now. Had them before in versions taped from TV. Don't know why it took them 20 years to put it all out there - if they waited much longer, most of their 70's fans would be dead. Used to watch it with my daughter, Jill, who is now 40. It makes me an old fogey, but don't know why they cant make a serious family drama, with believable characters of good moral integrity, but still full of good natured humor, and drama. 7th heaven, earlier seasons, came close, but got too much wrapped up in teenage angst, and some bizarre ramblings in late seasons.
The picture of Muddy is not included for any reason in particular. A pic of him is always good. Pretty Funky.
I hope they pass some healthcare reform soon, and let us get on with our lives. The Republicans are bent on preserving the status quo, for their corporate clients. The Democrates are bent on reforming the system to extend care (at least insurance), to the masses. The current system is a mess, I don't know how you can say it's ok. However, the Dems have trouble getting their message out in a popular way, what with the conservatives spreading fear and loathing about it at every chance. They are masters of negative propaganda.
We get to go up to South Carolina and see Ma again, later this month, which will be a joy. I miss here down here in Fla., but she wont be getting back here again, given her condition. Tough on the wife.
Downloaded some new Jimi Hendrix (new?), at least new to me. They keep finding more tapes of hime, some pretty good, some I'm sure he didn't want to see light of day for good reason. At least it keeps his music alive for awhile.
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