Today is my Birthday! (I think I said that already) - 62, and still kickin. Above picture is going south on Rt 15, up the mountain in South Williamsport, Pa. I was born in Williamsport (the main town, accross the Susquehanna River). However, my earliest memories are a house on Market Street, in South Williamsport. Market Street was the main drag, after coming over the Market Street Bridge, and eventually turns into Rt 15. My grandma and grandpa Smith (Miffy and Pop), my mother's folks, lived one street over, on Howard Street, in a yellow brick duplex. I remember my grandma used to have a lot of flowers, including Holly Hocks, which you don't see these days. She was a great cook, in the german/pennsylvania dutch style, including chicken pot pie, shoo fly pie, etc. When she baked pies, she would bake the leftover crust with some cinnemon and suger, just for me, which I thought was great. I was the first grandkid in the family, and was treated like a little prince, for about 5 years, until Denise, my cousin, was born. My grandma Bastian (Nana), lived in Williamsport, and for years operated Molly Bastian's Gift Shop, I think on Third Street, downtown. She let me hang out with her over the years, and "help" in the store, which I thought was great. I think I wrote about that in an earlier posting. Turning 62 makes me reflect on those days. My grandparents are long gone now, but had a good run, both living to 95+, although my grandpas only made it into their 80's. Good genes for longevity, though, I tell myself. My folks still live in the area, in Montoursville, east of Williamsport, along the Susquehanna. Brother Steve still lives in Williamsport. We grew up mostly in Kansas City, and Endicott, New York. The folks returned to the Williamsport area years ago, and my brother Steve followed. Brother Scott lives in Endicott, and middle brother, Matt, unfortunately passed away about 10 years ago; only 35 or so. Man.