Changing the subject, got to say something about our foreign adventures. I fail to grasp why we are attacking Kadafi in Libya. I know he was formerly considered a sponsor of terrorism, and probably still is. But my recollection is that we declared him acceptable company about 15 years ago, and "normalized" relationships (so we could get at the oil). We don't know who the rebels are, so why are we protecting them. Looks to me like an internal squabble that should be allowed to play out. There doesn't appear to be any evidence of genocide, as there was in Serbia/Kosovo. Have to give Pres. Obama a thumbs down on this move, even though I am a Dem, and generally favor his approach. Don't really agree on our involvement in Egypt, either; forcing Mubarek to resign, in favor of a rebellion that we don't understand. At least these dictators kept the radical muslims in check; now there is no foot on their necks as before.
On a lighter note, glad to be back in Florida, and the old routine.