I dont know why no post for so long. Life just gets in my way sometimes. Nothing really happening. Have been trying out Secondlife, avatar world. Pretty realistic, in some respects. You can be anybody (or anything - dog, tree, etc), in Secondlife. It is promoted as a way to meet people, but I find I spend most of my time wandering around, ignored for the most part. If I wanted to be lonely and unappreciated, I could stay in Firstlife. A big waste of time, although kind of addictive. However, one problem (maybe) is you dont know who anybody really is. A nice looking 20 year old chick might be a hairy 60 year old guy (yuch).
Not much new on the family front, either. Finally recovering from our trip to see my wife's mom in South Carolina, earlier in April. She seems to have plateaued, so not much to say about it. Just glad shes not living with us at the moment, although I do miss her at times.
Reading some wild SF short stories at present, which is good for escapism. Since Pres. Obama says we are going slow on manned space exploration, it will have to remain a fantasy.