I havent posted in quite awhile, so thought I would throw in two pictures, going along with the "old time" theme I am on lately. Been thinking a lot about the past, my childhood, etc. Dad had a couple Fords in the 50's, which were good, sturdy cars. I learned to drive in his '49 Ford convertible, with stick shift on the floor. He had two 55 or 56 fords; a coupe, with a Thunderbird v-8, which could really haul. Also had a 56 wagon, which was good, too. We had a 64 Ford Falcon convertible, red, with white top; a nice care. I miss the old days, which were much richer for me than the present. Our kids (and grandkids) don't have the freedom we had, and they missed the birth and mutation of rock and roll in the 50's, 60's, and 70's. I was a witness and participant in the mid-20th century show, and really appreciate that gift from the maker.